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E.L.A.H.A Assessment Process

Parent Self-Assessment
  • Administer a comprehensive parent self-assessment questionnaire.
  • Consider using a combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions to gather detailed information.
  • Include questions related to the child’s development, behavior, and academic performance in various settings.
Teacher Child Assessment
  • Conduct teacher observations in the classroom and other relevant settings.
  • Consider using a combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions to gather detailed information.
  • Include questions related to the child’s development, behavior, and academic performance in various settings.
E.L.A.H.A Assessment Advisor
  • Conduct child assessments within the classroom and individually, to measure specific areas of the child’s abilities.
  • Collect data on the child’s academic performance, behavior, and social interactions.
Medical Consultations

Consult with medical professionals if there are concerns about the child’s physical or mental health.

Child’s Input

Involve the child in the assessment process, especially for older children, by seeking their perspectives and preferences.

E.L.A.H.A Assessment Advisor
  • Analyze the data collected from all sources, including parent assessments, teacher observations, standardized tests, and medical consultations.
  • Consider cultural factors and individual differences when interpreting the data.
Individualized Recommendations

Develop individualized recommendations based on the assessment results, including suggestions for further evaluation, support services, or accommodations.

Transition Planning

If SEN, SEND or SEN-L is identified, develop a comprehensive transition plan to ensure a smooth transition between different educational settings.


Foster collaboration among parents, teachers, and other professionals involved in the child’s education to ensure a cohesive and supportive approach.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Once the assessment data has been collected, it will be analyzed to identify patterns, trends, and areas of concern. The data will be interpreted in conjunction with other relevant information, such as medical records, previous assessments, and observations from school staff.

Based on the assessment results, individualized recommendations will be made for further evaluation, support services, or accommodations. These recommendations will be tailored to the child’s specific needs and will be designed to help them achieve their full potential.

Follow-Up and Monitoring

The assessment process will be ongoing, with regular reviews to monitor the child’s progress and adjust support plans as needed. The goal is to ensure that the child continues to receive the appropriate support to meet their educational and developmental needs.

Contact E.L.A.H.A

Supporting Schools, Children and Parents with a Holistic Approach to Education

This is an in-house service where an E.L.A.H.A support worker is integrated into your school, offering the highest level of support for both your staff and students. This personalized approach ensures comprehensive assistance tailored to your school’s unique needs.

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